Tasya Tania Judge


To sing, to write, to capture, to eat, to watch romance drama movies, to sleep are my specialties. Gak ada yang lebih menarik daripada Sunday morning with a twenty-minute jogging, makan (ditutup due kali desserts), nontonin romance film, penuhin diary (curhatan inspired from romance movies yang sbelumnya ditonton!), terus tidur sampai sore, am I right? Aku suka banget makan sambil nonton film romance! Nooothing could beat the 'boss-feeling' than that! :P

Oh ya, aku Tasya Tania, dan Judge nama big family aku. Aku lahir 16 Januari 1995 dan punya 1 kakak laki-laki juga 2 adik laki-laki. 

Aku suka warna putih, tosca, coklat, dan pink muda. 

Aku suka banyaaaak banget musisi!

Aku suka mocca cake!

Aku suka nude lipstick!

Aku suka matematika!

Aku suka apricot colored blush!

Aku suka lasagna!

And I have this vision and mission to be a complete young lady whose duty is to sing and to smile. I smile not to be seen pretty, I simply do because I want to be happy. By smiling, to me, happiness is not that high to reach :)